
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I'm a Warrior in My Head

I'm a Warrior in my head. I am courageous, deeply passionate, dangerously outspoken and ruthlessly unapologetic. Outside of my head? Well, that's a different story. In the real world I'm not exactly a warrior. I might have bright spots where my passion outweighs my fear, and my courage beats my timidity, but by and large the lesser wins. Why? Why can I be so full of life inside, and so demur outside? Is this simply a reflection of my introverted personality, or is it something more?

These are things I have been thinking about in my life recently. Where can my imagination and personality fit in a world that overlooks it so easily? I'm not an up front and center kind of person, and I'm not showy, but I also don't want to go through life completely unnoticed, so where do I fit? 

Even though I have been thinking over these questions I have not come to any definitive answers. What I do think is my courage needs to be worked like a muscle. I need to use it regularly in order to make it grow stronger. The more I use it, the more it grows, and the more familiar it feels to me. I think I need to do more things I am passionate about and that passion will speak louder than I can.

Are there any warrior-like qualities you exhibit?

To the Warriors within,


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I Really Like My Job, Really.

"I seriously enjoy my job" is probably the single craziest thing I have ever said. It's not very common to hear that today, is it? I've had many jobs, with various degrees of likes and dislikes.. but my current one is pretty fantastic. I am a gymnastics and dance instructor for children. I work with kids anywhere from 4 months - 12 years old. My job is to help teach specific age appropriate skills and lessons to grow children physically, socially, and emotionally. Personally, as an employee, I need to have a mission I can stand behind. My job provides me with that.

As I explain why I like my job, I want to first say my job is NOT always:
  • Glamorous - sometimes I clean up pee. Yep, no glamor there.
  • Easy - try lifting a 12 year old who is your size. Go ahead.
  • Boast-worthy - again, with the pee. Also, I work weekends, no bragging there.
  • Lucrative... self-explanatory. 

Although there are a good number of things that make my job not so likeable, I find that I'm moved to liking it because of two specific qualities. First, it's composed of kids. When I first applied I remember thinking to myself how insane working with kids all day was going to be- I thought they would drive me batty. It's been exactly the opposite. Working with kids this consistently has taught me so much, and I believe this experience will make me a better parent someday. The second reason why my job is so likeable is it's composed of making kids' days fun. When one's goal is to help a child (or anyone) grow physically, socially, and emotionally, and make it fun, it's kind of hard not to like the job.

Co-worker's baby shower. So sweet.

Now do I always feel this way about my job? No. Do I love this job enough to do this forever? Possibly, in a different role, but probably not.

So why write about it? Well, I've worked a bunch of jobs in my short life, and I imagine I'll work a bunch more. Sometimes though, it's good to stop and consider what we're working towards. Is it worthwhile? Do we feel good about what we've done at the end of the day? Does it fill us beyond our bank accounts? Do these things matter? They matter to me. It is my hope that as I continue on with my professional life, the qualities in the jobs I like will steer me towards a career I love. Whatever that may be.

Learned how to do a handstand! Small but noteworthy achievement for me!

To jobs,